JeffStreet Children’s Ministry is specifically designed for children from birth to 5th grade. It’s the place where your child can laugh and play, learn and grow, develop friendships and community, and most importantly, discover God’s great love for them.
Our goal is to make Sunday the best day of your child’s week while creating a fun, safe, & relational environment so they can meet Jesus on their level.
Your child’s safety is one of our highest priorities here at JeffStreet. Every child is checked in with a matching pick-up receipt. All volunteers are highly-trained and screened with several background checks. Our entire facility is routinely patrolled by our security/safety staff and volunteers.
We put a big emphasis on fun within JS Kids! Especially since we find our joy in Jesus and His love for us. Through songs, games, crafts and lessons we teach your child about God and His love for them!
The reason we gather on Sundays is to worship The God who wants a relationship with us. One of our goals is to make sure your child understands this every Sunday they join us.
Don’t be! We are here to make your Sunday morning enjoyable.
On your first visit, make sure you go to the check-in kiosk located in the KidMin Lobby. One of our well-trained volunteers will walk you through the registration process and check-in. Check-in opens 15 minutes prior to service.
Once your child is registered for the first time, check-in is as easy as entering the last 4 digits of your phone number. Your child will receive a name tag and you will receive a matching receipt to pick up your child after services.